EP 207 - Introduction to Special Theory of Relativity, Autumn 2016-17

Instructor Name Raghunath Chelakkot

Course Type Core for EP students (Half-sem)

Course overview
Principle of relativity, Lorentz transformation, concept of invariant interval, Minkowski spacetime, addition of relativistic velocities, energy-momentum 4-vector, conservation of energy and momentum, mass-energy equivalence, basics of tensor analysis, electromagnetic theory in terms of the field tensor.

Formal: None; Informal: PH 108 (Maxwell's  equations)

Credit distribution
1 quiz (15 marks) and 1 Midsem (35 marks); Total - 50 marks

Feedback on Lectures
No formal attendance policy, classes exclusively on blackboard.

Feedback on tutorials, assignments and exams
Exam problems were based largely on content covered in the lectures. Ungraded tutorials, mixed bag of easy and hard problems.

Relevant References
  1. Spacetime physics by Wheeler and Taylor
  2. Introduction to STR by R. Resnick
  3. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by Arfken : for basics of tensor analysis,
  4. Schaum's Outline of Vector Analysis : for problems on tensors

Online resources
  1. Solution to problems in Spacetime Physics [by Taylor and Wheeler] (http://www.eftaylor.com/pub/spacetime/STP1stEdExercSolns.pdf)
  2. A short introduction to tensors by R. A. Sharipov (https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0403252.pdf)

Advanced follow-up courses
General Relativity (PH 544)

Two things are absolutely essential in understanding the course: One is getting the two basic postulates of relativity clear; and, for the second part of the course (on electromagnetism), understanding how to handle tensors, especially w.r.t. algebraic manipulations. A good understanding of these will effectively guarantee a comfortable experience with the course.

Personal comments

Spacetime Physics by Wheeler and Taylor is a must-read in order to get a feel for relativity, before formally studying it from Resnick or any other textbook.

Respondent Arkya Chatterjee

Note: This is a review to help you make a more informed choice about how to study for this course and/or choosing this course. While we've tried to keep it objective and complete, one must keep in mind that students have varying interests, methods of study, and the course itself changes from year to year.
