EP 230 - Electronics Lab III, Spring 2016-17

Instructor Name Pradeep Sarin

Basics of Flip Flops, Combinational circuits, Boolean Algebra, Registers

Important Topics Covered
Flip Flop implementation, latches, registers, Finite State Machines, Mealy/Moore Machines, VHDL Programming [as the Course Project]

In Lab:
Assignments consist of short reading material (slides/websites) and doing some simple questions on Moodle itself.
The lab is elec heavy, requiring knowledge of various circuits and circuit elements. You need to think hard during the lab and apply concepts from the pre lab material to successfully complete the lab.
Also, there are only 5 lab sessions, until the midsem exam, after which you move on to the project

You are given 1 month to work on a project of your choice, on the Altera DE0Nano Cyclone IV FPGA board. The Instructor, lab Incharge and the TAs vet the project and assign weekly deadlines that you have to show your progress on.
You are also supposed to make a project report for submission. [Use Altera Quartus 13.0 to program the project, since the 16 version gives a lot of problems.]

Credit Distribution
in lab and Endsem: 60%
FPGA Project : 40 %

Online Study Materials
fpgacenter.com : Nice tutorials on VHDL and Basic FPGA Projects on the website (No Verilog though).
fpga4fun.com : Sample projects on FPGA.

Pay attention in EE224 Lectures. Since the lab is not in sync with the lectures, sometimes the lectures will help understand the lab better, and sometimes the lab material will help understand the lectures better.

Try to follow through on the project deadlines on time.

Note: This is a review to help you make a more informed choice about how to study for this course and/or choosing this course. While we've tried to keep it objective and complete, one must keep in mind that students have varying interests, methods of study, and the course itself changes from year to year.
