EP405 - Analytical Techniques, Autumn 2016-17
Instructor Name
Shiva Prasad
Basic knowledge of CMP
Crystallographic techniques, AFM, SEM
80% attendance required. Lectures were ok. Instructor used blackboard. Quality is subjective. If one likes the course content they were nice otherwise boring.
Many assignments. Exams were somewhat easy.
40% Assignments, 30% midsem, 30% endsem
Pro tips
Make sure you have laptops with you during the lectures and assignment slot with Microsoft office (mainly excel) or Numbers in case of MacBook and foxit reader installed in it. Saves a lot of time.
Respondent - Shounak
Note: This is a review to help you make a more informed choice about how to study for this course and/or choosing this course. While we've tried to keep it objective and complete, one must keep in mind that students have varying interests, methods of study, and the course itself changes from year to year.
Respondent - Shounak
Note: This is a review to help you make a more informed choice about how to study for this course and/or choosing this course. While we've tried to keep it objective and complete, one must keep in mind that students have varying interests, methods of study, and the course itself changes from year to year.
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