PH 505 - Intro. to Nuclear and Particle Physics, Autumn 2016-17

Instructor Pragya Das

Course Type Core for EP students

Course overview
Binding Energy, Magnetic Moments; Radioactive Decay: alpha, beta, gamma; Deuteron; Nuclear Models: Independent Particle and Shell Models; Reactions; Elementary particles: Isospin, conserved quantum numbers, quarks (fact-based) 

Quantum Mechanics I, Perturbation Theory Part of QM II

Credit distribution
2 quizzes; usual weightage: 10% each with midsem and endsem

Feedback on Lectures
Attendance is flexible; slides require some decoding if you don't attend lectures; attending doesn't make much of a difference either since Prof. Das mostly just reads out what's in the slides

Feedback on tutorials, assignments and exams
Tutorials uploaded; no grading; weekly discussions; questions are usually straightforward;
exams are of moderate difficulty; questions are straightforward once you understand the concepts

Relevant References
1. Wong - Intro Nuclear Physics
2. Cohen - Concepts of Nuclear Physics
3. Enge - Intro Nucle Physics 
4. Lilley - Nuclear Physics
5. Hyde - Basic ideas in Nuclear Physics
6. Burcham, Jobes - Nuclear & Particle Physics
7. Kane - Modern Elem Particle Physics
8. Griffiths - Intro Elem Particle 
(haven't read any of these - just mentioning the list given in the slides)

Follow-up Courses
None - other advanced courses are pretty unrelated

Respondent Umang Mehta

Note: This is a review to help you make a more informed choice about how to study for this course and/or choosing this course. While we've tried to keep it objective and complete, one must keep in mind that students have varying interests, methods of study, and the course itself changes from year to year.
