EN640 Solar Photovoltaic Fundamentals (Spring 2017-18)

Instructor Name: Shaibal K. Sarkar

Course Type: Honours / Elective

Pre-requisites: EN301 and a bit of semiconductor physics are useful. No hard prerequisites though.
Course Content: Semiconductor fundamentals, Band theory, Fermi distributions, Density of states derivations, Effective mass, carrier modelling, Diodes, LEDs, PV technology, New advances in PV technology: Thin film solar cells, Perovskite solar cells, organic solar cells.

Books: Robert Pierret: Semiconductor device fundamentals.

Lectures: Slide based classes. Quiz every 2 weeks. Chilled out attendance policy

Assignments: Regular tutorials and assignments (every 2 weeks or so). Decent level of difficulty.

Exams and Grading: Midsems: 30 Endsem: 40 quizzes(every 2 weeks):10,Assignments:20

Online Resources: http://www.pveducation.org/pvcdrom/welcome-to-pvcdrom/pc1d

Pro-Tips: Go to class and make notes. Sir doesn't explain everything in the slides.
Also, keep a check on extra class/ assignments/quiz announcements. They're fairly random.
Assignments carry WEIGHTAGE.

Respondent: Sumukh Vaidya

Note: This is a review to help you make a more informed choice about how to study for this course and/or choosing this course. While we've tried to keep it objective and complete, one must keep in mind that students have varying interests, methods of study, and the course itself changes from year to year.
