EP 207 Introduction to Special Theory of Relativity (Autumn 2017-18)
Instructor Name: Raghunath Chelakkot
Course Type: Theory
Pre-requisites:Formal- none
Informal - Linear Algebra
Course Content: Lorentz Transformations, Relativistic Dynamics, Tensors, Covariant description of Electromagnetism
Other topics covered:
Books: Introduction to Special Relativity- Robert Resnick
Lectures: No attendance is taken during this course except for the first lecture. Sir uses blackboard to teach. There were discussions about paradoxes in classes but were often left incomplete. To get a complete grasp of the subject, it is important that you read the reference book alongside. Just following the lectures can get confusing after a while. Sir rushes through the concept of tensors very quickly so that is covered very poorly.
Assignments:There were 4 ungraded tutorials with decent difficulty and each having one/two challenging questions.
Exams and Grading: A quiz(15 marks) and Endsem(30 marks) was taken for the course. The grading policy of the class was liberal with about 17 students out of 57 getting a grade above 8.
Online material:Spacetime Physics: Introduction to special relativity
Follow-up Courses:General Relativity, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (QM 3)
Pro-tips: Do:
Follow the reference book religiouslyDon't
Leave all the tutorials to the day before exam
Personal Comments:
Respondent: Keshav Janyani
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