EP 222 Classical Mechanics (Autumn 2017-18)

Instructor Name: Anirban Sain

Course Type: Theory

Pre-requisites: Vector algebra and Matrix Algebra, Conic Sections, Integration and Differentiation 
Course Content: Lagrange's Equation, Small Oscillations - finding frequency and normal modes of an oscillating system, Central Force and Kepler Problem, Rotation of rigid bodies, Canonical Transformations and Noether's Theorem

Other topics covered: Liouville's Theorem

Books: Analytical Mechanics - L. Hand and J. Finch 
Classical Mechanics - H. Goldstein 

Lectures: Attendance is taken in every class but DX grade is not awarded to anyone. All lectures are taught on the blackboard. 

Assignments: Ungraded assignments were given after each major topic which were then discussed in class. The assignments consisted mainly of problems from either Hand and Finch or Goldstein.

Exams and Grading: Quiz 1 - 10 marks, Midsem - 30 marks, Quiz 2 - 10 marks, Endsem - 50 marks
Pro-tips: 1. Do past question papers ! (available on the DAMP drive folder)
                  2. Attend classes regularly and take notes.

Personal Comments:If you attend classes regularly and make notes, the exams will seem straightforward and the course will feel very light. 
Also, after almost every class I felt a certain satisfaction of learning something new.

Respondent: Samarth Sabu 
