EP 309 Photonics (Autumn 2017-18)

Instructor Name: Dinesh Kabra

Course Type: Theory

Pre-requisites:Informal: Basics of waves and optics and a little of Differential Equations.

Formal: None

Course Content: Guided Wave Optics, Fiber Optics, Resonator optics, Laser Amplifiers, Lasers, Photons in semiconductors, Semiconductor Photon sources and photon detectors.

Other topics covered: Polarisation, liquid crystals etc.

Books: Bahaa E.A. Saleh, Marvin C. Teich : Fundamentals of Photonics

Lectures: Mostly Slides. Chilled out attendance policy, though the instructor expects a sizeable attendance and might give weighted assignments to ensure attendance.

Assignments:Assignments given in slides, submissions in subsequent class. Difficulty: Fairly medium. Grading policy: Unsure.

Exams and Grading: Midsem(45), Endsem(25), Quiz 1(15), NO quiz 2, assignments (15).

Online material: The book covers the material pretty thoroughly.

Advanced Follow-up Courses:EP410: Advanced Photonics.
Semiconductor Physics.

Pro-tips:1. READ THE BOOK
2. Solve the questions from the book. They're small in number and build concepts nicely.
3. DO previous papers.
Personal Comments:
Respondent: Sumukh Vaidya
