HS 307 Sociology (Autumn 2017-18)

Instructor Name: Anush Kapadia

Course Type: Theory


Course Content: Primarily the ideologies of famous thinkers. Covered about 12-15 people. 1-2 slides per thinker. He announces who he is going cover along with a detailed course plan in his first lecture.

Other topics covered:

Books: Lecture material is sufficient to answer all questions asked in the exams

Lectures: There was no attendance policy as such


Exams and Grading: 2 quizzes ~20% one midsem and one endsem. ~30% and ~40%. Exact weightage was not a round figure. All exams are multiple choice.

Online material: Searching for reviews of the books/authors is very useful. Reading the actual manuscript is very difficult for someone not familiar with the subject.

Follow-up Courses:

Pro-tips: Listen to lectures(Very important if you plan on using slides). Quizzes are primarily based on slides. Lecture notes are useful for midsem/endsem.

Personal Comments:

Respondent: Guru Vamsi Policharla
