HS303 Psychology (Autumn 2017-18)

Instructor Name: Prof. Aziz

Course Type: Humanities Elective

Prerequisites: N.A.

Course Content:
1.) Language and Thoughts:  Structure of language, How our brains interpret and learn a language, Influence of language on our culture and thoughts and vice versa, Whorfian Hypothesis, Evolution of language.

2.) Learning: Theories of learning and conditioning of stimulus to response, Pavlov's conditioning experiment, Reinforcement learning, Effects of punishment and rewards on learning, Latent learning, Insight learning, Experiments done by Skinner.

3.) Memory: Mechanism of remembering, Working of memory, Different types of memory (like iconic, echoic, sensory), Case study of some memory disorders, Factors affecting the retrieval process

4.) Motivation and Emotions: Theories of motivation, Factors affecting motivation, Biological explanation (basic instincts that drive us), What drives us to eat and drink, Maslow's theory of motivation, James Lange and Cannon-Bard theory for emotion.

5.) Personality: Theories of personality (like psychodynamic, psychoanalytic etc. theory), Defense mechanism of our brain, Big 5 ocean model of personality, Biological personality, Evaluation of personality.

6.) Sensation and Perception: Mechanism of perception of external signal, Theories of the way we interpret external signal, Understanding all the important senses (like touch, taste, sound, smell)

Books: Understanding Psychology - Robert S. Feldman

Lectures: Attendance policy: 80%
Prof. taught using slides which contained an outline of the topics.
The quality of the lectures was good, I personally found the course to be quite enjoyable.

Assignments: There were no assignments and tutorial sessions.
Decent grading was done in the course.
It was a moderate level course but not easy.

Exams and Grading: Exams were objective mostly.
2 Quizzes were there. 1 of them was a surprise quiz.
10% for each quiz, 30% midsem, 50% endsem.

Online Material: Most things will be easily accessible on the internet.

1.) Do attend the classes as he used to ask questions on that.
2.) Just slides won't help as the explanation were helpful while solving the exam problems.
3.) Exams were quite logical and needed an understanding of the topics."
Respondent: Rahul Dandwate

Note: This is a review to help you make a more informed choice about how to study for this course and/or choosing this course. While we've tried to keep it objective and complete, one must keep in mind that students have varying interests, methods of study, and the course itself changes from year to year.
