PH 308 Electromagnetic Theory 1 (Spring 2017-18)

Instructor Name: Prof. Archana Pai

Course Type: Core

Pre-requisites: PH 108, MA 207

Course Content: Electrostatics from PH108, Green's function for electrostatic potentials, Solutions to Laplace's equation in various configurations, Dielectrics, Magnetostatics, Electrodynamics, Conservation Laws, Potential Formulation of Rlectrodynamics, Radiation, Relativistic Electrodynamics. 

Other Topics Covered: Crystal Structure, Free Electron Theory of Metals, Quantum Theory of Energy Bands in Solids, Semi-classical Model of Electron Dynamics, Lattice Vibrations, Semiconductors, dHvA effect, Cyclotron, Hall effect, Transport Phenomena (Conductivity, Magneto-resistance), Fermi Surfaces - ALL in great detail!

Books: Classical Electrodynamics - J.D. Jackson, Introduction to Electrodynamics - David Griffiths, Radiative Processes in Astrophysics - Rybicki & Lightman

Lectures: 80% attendance rule was nominally followed. Everything was taught on the blackboard. Sometimes the derivations were drawn out and difficult to follow. Decent teaching - the course is very mathematical by nature. 

Assignments: Weekly tutorials were conducted. No assignments. But tutorial groups were formed and marks were given to the group if the pre-assigned question is solved correctly on the board. 

Exams and Grading: 1 normal quiz, 1 surprise quiz (based on a specified tutorial), midsem and endsem. 10-10-30-40 respectively. 10 marks for tutorials.

Follow up courses: EMT 2

Pro-Tips: Be prepared for the mathematical nature. There's going to be lengthy algebra to do. Keeping in touch with the class will help immensely because it might get difficult to cover up everything in the last minute. 

Respondent: Hrishikesh Iyer
