Alumni Directory - EP Batch of 2019


1.       Name: Vedant Basu
Field of Work:  Experimental HEP
Destination after IITB: University of Wisconsin Madison

2.       Name: Hrishikesh Iyer
Field of Work: Microelectromechanical Systems
Destination after IITB:  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

3.       Name: Arkya Chatterjee
Field of Work: Condensed matter theory and/or biophysics
Destination after IITB:  MIT Physics
Email ID:
LinkedIn profile:

4.       Name: Sagar Airen
Field of Work: Theoretical High Energy Physics
Destination after IITB: University of Maryland, College Park

5.       Name: Pranjal RS
Field of Work: Astronomy
Destination after IITB: University of Arizona
Email ID:

6.       Name: Sagar Adeppalli
Field of Work: Experimental High Energy Physics
Destination after IITB: Brandeis University
Email ID:
Comments/Suggestions: Feel free to reach out!

7.       Name: Anuj Kumar
Field of Work: Information Technology
Destination after IITB: Ubisoft Entertainment SA (Pune/Mumbai)
Email ID:
8.       Name: Harikrishnan KP 
Field of Work: Condensed Matter Physics
Destination after IITB: Cornell
Email ID:
9.       Name: Nitin Srirang
Field of Work: Applied Physics (CMP)
Destination after IITB: Europe for Masters in Physics/Applied Physics
Email ID:
Comments/Suggestions: Yeah, physics turns me on. But dance is my obsession, my jealous mistress. And she brooks no rivalry. This institute gives you a freedom and stage to learn (and excel in) whatever you want - just make sure you do something like this. Also try a variety of different courses, as this is only possible in undergraduate studies. Happy discovering (yourself) :) 
10.   Name: Gurbir Singh
Field of Work: String theory
Destination after IITB: Brandeis University

11.   Name: Amey Gaikwad
Field of Work: Theoretical Physics
Destination after IITB: UCLA
12.   Name: Viraj Karambelkar
Field of Work: Astrophysics
Destination after IITB: Caltech
Email ID:
Personal Webpage:

13.   Name: Prathamesh Joshi
Field of Work: Gravitational Waves
Destination after IITB: Penn state university
Email ID:
