EE 723 Physics of Nanoelectronic devices (Autumn 2018-19)

Instructor Name: Prof. Bhaskaran Muralidharan

Course Type: Theory

No. of Credits: 8

Pre-requisites: QM1, QM2, Statistical Mechanics

Course Content:
Bra-ket notation, spin states, 2 level systems, hydrogen atom, perturbation theory (both time independent and time dependent), wkb approximation, quantum statistical mechanics.

Griffiths quantum mechanics

Lectures: Board lectures, with handwritten notes uploaded on moodle

Tutorials uploaded on Moodle, discussed in class.

Exams and Grading:
Tutorials uploaded on Moodle, discussed in class. 2 quizzes(total 25%), 1 midsem(25%), 1 endsem(50%)

1. Solve Griffiths in it's entirety. Nearly all exam questions are from there only.
2. Going to class isn't all that necessary.

Advanced follow-up courses that can be taken after this course 

Respondent: Sumukh Vaidya
