EP313 Optics and Spectroscopy Lab (2018-19)

Instructor: B.P.Singh/T Kundu

Course Name: Optics and spectroscopy lab (Physics Lab III, EP313)

Course Type: Lab (Core)

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: None

Course Content: 
Experiments with lasers: YDSE, Diffraction, spatial coherence, interferometry
Soectroscopy: Fine structure splitting, rotational, vibrational spectroscopy, calculating bond lengths

Uploaded study material

Exams and Grading:
Laser lab: Only final journal submission has marks
Spectroscopy lab : Viva, preparation for experiment has marks
Journal, endsem quiz and endsem lab exam

Personal Comments:
In the spectroscopy lab, you actually perform experiments about the material studied in the atomic and molecular physics course, which is a great experience. Laser experiments are also very cool, however a bit more dofficult to set up.

Respondent: Viraj Karambelkar
