PH 523 Quantum Mechanics III 2018-19

Instructor: Prof. Asmita Mukherjee

Course Name: Quantum Mechanics III ( PH523 )

Course Type: Theory (Elective)

Credits: 6

Pre-requisites: Formal: None
Informal: QM 1, QM 2 (kinda), CM, STR

Course Content: 
Klein Gordon Equation, Classical Field Theory, Noether's Theorem, Dirac Equation, Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Canonical Quantization of Scalar Field and Dirac Field 

Electromagnetic Interactions with each field

A First Book of Quantum Field Theory by Lahiri and Pal
Quarks and Leptons by Halzen and Martin
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics by Bjorken and Drell
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics by Griener
(Order Irrelevant)

Lectures were on board. Attendance was taken but no DX's were awarded. The quality of lectures was between ok to good. I personally found that professor was unable to clearly solve the doubts effectively but the course content was good and interesting.

tutorial sheets were discussed in class itself and no graded assignments

Exams and Grading:
2 quizzes (10% each), midsem (30%), Endsem(50%). Quizzes are way too easy while midsem and endsem had some challenging questions. Grading was absolute with AA given to marks above 90.

Online Useful Material:
David Tong Lecture notes on QFT

Advanced Follow up Courses:
Special Topics in particle physics

Attend all lectures and solve all tutorials (and trust me this is enough to get through the exams(although certainly not enough to understand the subject))

Personal Comments:
The course is a very very rough introduction to QFT, one must build up on this course to gain thorough knowledge of the very vast subject

Respondent: Keshav Janyani
