PH520 Group Theory Methods (2018-19)

Instructor: P Ramadevi

Course Name: Group Theory Methods (PH520)

Course Type: Theory (Honor/Elective)

Credits: 6

QM 1 & 2 is an informal prerequisite, taking it while doing QM 2 is fine too. Classical mechanics is referred to sometimes

Course Content: 
Group axioms, examples of symmetry groups in physicsl systems, point groups, representations, orthogonality theorem, modes of vibration of molecules, selection rules, SU and SO groups, continuous groups, hydrogen energy levels

Ma'am gave her notes before midsem
Two books recommended: Hamermesh and Georgi

Board and slides. Ma'am explains slowly, clearly and as many times as required

Tutorials contained marked sums which were to be submitted as assignments, total: 7 assignments

Exams and Grading:
Only 1 quiz before midsem. No quiz after. Papers were easy and grading was good too.

Ma'am is a good teacher and this course provides a different approach to problems solved before

Respondent: Sahil Adane
