SLP - Keshav Janyani

Respondent: Keshav Janyani

What project were you working on?

Viewing 2+1 Dimensional Gravity as a Chern Simon's Theory: It was basically a reading project, where I started reading about gauge theories, Yang Mills Theory some differential geometry (like forms, manifolds and bundles). After that, I tried to understand a paper by Witten where he was able to view 3D Gravity as a Chern Simon's Theory.

Name of the Guide

Prof. Ramadevi

Is the professor still taking students under the same project?

Don't know

Courses that were part of the curriculum/ additional courses that helped you? Any other tools/softwares that helped you during your project?

General Relativity, QM 1 and somewhat QM 3
Any feedback or further details you'd like to add?

Prof. Ramadevi is one of the best guides around. I would advise anyone interested in theoretical physics to at least have an interaction with her. We used to meet at a predecided time weekly (mostly after class). I kinda continued my summer project which was on a similar topic.
