EP 426 Physics of Quantum Devices (Spring 2018-19)
Instructor: Prof. Subhrata Dhar
Course Name: Physics of Quantum Devices ( EP 426 )
Course Type: Core
Credits: 6
Pre-requisites: Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
Course Content:
1. Basic semiconductor physics
Energy vs k, Effective mass, electrons and holes: Semiconductor statistics, fermi level, Density of states, Intrinsic, extrinsic and compensated semiconductors
2. Quantum well, quantum wires, quantum dots, superlattice and their
energy levels and density of states.
3. Hetero-interface MOS structures, accumulation, inversion regimes
single heterojunction: modulation doping, 2D electron gas formation
4. Carrier transport in quantum structures
Low field transport: Boltzmann transport equation, scattering rates in 2D and 1D, mobility, diffusion Quantum transport, Landauer formula
5. Electronic devices based on quantum heterostructures
Field effect transistors: basic principle, MOSFET, heterostructure FET, Tunnel diode, single electron transistor, Coulomb blockade.
Energy vs k, Effective mass, electrons and holes: Semiconductor statistics, fermi level, Density of states, Intrinsic, extrinsic and compensated semiconductors
2. Quantum well, quantum wires, quantum dots, superlattice and their
energy levels and density of states.
3. Hetero-interface MOS structures, accumulation, inversion regimes
single heterojunction: modulation doping, 2D electron gas formation
4. Carrier transport in quantum structures
Low field transport: Boltzmann transport equation, scattering rates in 2D and 1D, mobility, diffusion Quantum transport, Landauer formula
5. Electronic devices based on quantum heterostructures
Field effect transistors: basic principle, MOSFET, heterostructure FET, Tunnel diode, single electron transistor, Coulomb blockade.
6. Optoelectronic devices based on quantum heterostructures Optics of quantum structures, light emitting diodes and lasers
Basic Semiconductor Physics by Chihiro Hamaguchi
Lectures are usually based on his detailed slides but often he dives into details for which blackboard is then used but otherwise it is all slides. He usually doesn’t have an attendance policy for his courses
Each of us were tasked with making a presentation on the extra topics and also make a Latex document of it as well. They were challenging and very interesting mathematical results. This took some time.
Exams and Grading:
There were no exams or quizzes in this course when i took it
Online Useful Material:
Online Useful Material:
Advanced Follow up Courses:
Enjoy the classes. The professor cares that you learn new things and enjoy the classes than assessing you. Doesn't mean it is easy.
Personal Comments:
Personal Comments:
Respondent: Edwin Saji Uthuppan
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