EP 223 - Electronics Lab II, Autumn 2016-17
Instructor Name Pradeep Sarin Prerequisites None Important Topics Covered Op-amp characteristics, negative and positive feedback, Schmitt trigger design, instrumentation amplifier, phase shift oscillator, filters, lock-in amplifier, reflections in transmission lines, gain-bandwidth product, common mode, op-amp oscillations in detail. Assignments Pre-lab assignments were easy but reading material uploaded was sometimes a lot and not all of it was very useful. In-lab assignments were just right and grading policy was also good. Labs were really very useful in understanding the working of op-amp circuits and were fun . Similar to EP 215, there are pre- and post-lab assignments on moodle, no projects and a really nice grading policy Exams and Grading End semester exam was just right and grading policy was also fine. Again, 5-10% per lab and 30-ish% for the endsem Books/Online Study Material Only read from the suggested pre-lab reading material, most of ...